The payment towards registration fee can be made by the delegates in any of the modes given below :
You may remit cash towards registration fee in any branch of Syndicate Bank in convention account. (Our bank account detail is given at the bottom of this communication ) ###
Note: Only on receipt of photo copy of the cash remittance challan along with registration form by registered post/courier to LUGI office at Coimbatore
Scanned copy of challan and registration form by e-mail to, your registration will be confirmed and registration number be allotted.
Cheque / D.D. have to be drawn in favour of “ EXPRESS HOLIDAYS – LUGI 2016” payable at Coimbatore towards registration fee.
Note: Only on receipt of Cheque/D.D along with the registration form by registered post/courier to LUGI office at Coimbatore, your registration will be confirmed and the registration number will be allotted.
Registration fee can be transferred vide RTGS/NEFT to our bank account. (Our bank account detail is given at the bottom of this communication) ###
Note: Only on receipt of registration form along with bank transfer transaction ID, (UTR No.) sent by registered post/courier to LUGI office at Coimbatore (or) scanned copy of registration form along with bank transfer transaction ID by e-mail to your registration will be confirmed and the registration number will be allotted.
The registration fee once paid by the participant cannot be transferred to any other member or refunded under any circumstances. The same cannot be adjusted for next Convention also.
The convention is open for members of LUGI, who are in good standing without any arrears.
Non members can also attend the convention by paying the Admission cum Subscription Fee of Rs.1,495/-(inclusive of service tax) in favour of LUGI – Subscription A/c.
Members of Chairman Club for Agents of LIC of India can attend LUGI Convention in lieu of Chairman’s Club Convention as per circular issued by LIC of India vide Circular Ref.No.: Mktg/A/Trg/LUGI date 26.04.2014.
Please note, in case of any cheque return you have to send DD or cash only along with bank charges of Rs.250/- within 7 days of intimation, otherwise you will lose your priority seat number.
Under any circumstances, returned cheques will not be re-presented for collection.
Those who register for the convention are expected to abide by the rules and regulations of LUGI.
Our Bank Detail for remittance of registration fee & accommodation
Account Name : Express Holidays – LUGI 2016
Account Number : 61451010003106 ( 14 digits )
Account Type : Current Account
Name of the Bank : Syndicate Bank
Banks Branch : Gandhipuram , Coimbatore
Banks IFSC Code : SYNB0006145 ( 11 digits )